
Global Products & Services

High-grade coal and PCI ore commodities abundant with premium quality characteristics, and sourced responsibly

At Batyr, our purpose is powering human prosperity and global growth. Our commodity products provide heat, light, energy, and high grade steel manufacture critical to human prosperity for customers all over the world.

We are driven by enabling growth, providing products that meet the highest standards of quality with comprehensive commitment to  sustainability, safety and transparency throughout our supply chain.

Find what you’re looking for from our global products and services.

Global products

We’re one of Asia’s fast growing mining, marketing, distribution and trading teams. We work end-to-end buying, selling and moving high-grade Kazakhstan-origin coal commodity products to global customers.

Metallurgical Coal

Met (coking) coal concentrates to meet global manufacture standards
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Low volatility and medium volatility coal for varied applications
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Steam Coal

D, KZh, KCN, GZh thermal coal with varying characteristics for diverse needs
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Global distribution

We work across Europe, UK and Asia, orchestrating dry bulk distribution operations and logistics on our customers behalf.

We exclusively source from mines, refineries and processing facilities in Kazakhstan, one of the world’s leading reserves of high-grade, competitive commodities.

E2E services

Through our marketing operations in Europe, our teams orchestrate end-to-end (e2e) surveying, transporting, legal, logistics and delivery of coal commodities to customers efficiently and sustainably 

Surveying & Advisory

Trading & Brokerage

Logistics & Legal

Coal Distribution

Our Heritage


Annual tonnes

Met coal, steam coal, PCI and iron ore are our key commodity products, which make up 2million+ annual tonnage shipped to customers


Markets operated in

Serving Europe, UK, Asia markets with regional offices plus mining operations in Kazakhstan, we serve coal products to global customers



Working across mining, processing, operations, logistics, and global distribution we are proud to have a diverse, highly skilled workforce



Our streamlined distribution and supplier network mean we can deliver  reliable, high grade commodities at the most competitive cost points